

Windscarf merino wool socks released!

윈드스카프 2023.01.13 09:04 Views 402
WindScarf has released merino wool socks in December 2022.
The existing 40-50% wool content was increased to 60% to maintain the comfort and optimal condition of the feet.
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Advantages of merino wool
- Wool socks are not itchy
- Wool is not bulky and heavy
- It is easy to understand that wool is for winter due to warmth, but it has the principle of actively cooling the feet by discharging hot heat in summer.
- Wool socks are breathable, so your feet and socks don't get tangled when you sweat.
- Merino wool socks are shipped after being washed and tumbled, so they seem to shrink slightly when washed and dried, but they return to their original comfortable fit due to the recovery phenomenon.
- Do not wash wool socks by hand, use a wool washing course or laundry net, or use a dryer.

Windscarf merino wool socks, wear them comfortably.

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